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Real life in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+7Posted:2017-08-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: real-lifelife-threateningbreathe new life intolifefor lifelifetimeto the lifeway of lifeMeaning: n. the practical world as opposed to the academic world. 
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121) Practical metaphysics considers that the true noumenal existence is a human practical activity and his real life.
122) I used to enjoy cartoon in my childhood. I am not very clear when I began to be fed up with cartoon that is remote and alienable from my real life.
123) When you have a container object in real life, such as a bag, you often want to look at all the items it contains.
124) However, student loan in real life, belonged to credit loan, has a serious problem of high breach.
125) In real life, we cannot ask for "ever-victorious generals", who are few and far between in history.
126) He was very polite, boyishly cheeky (always grinning), and a lot (if possible) better looking in real life than on tv.
127) City and real life are the arena that shows Milanese the latest fashion.
128) But in real life, such misplacement often occurs in people's thinking.
129) In short, in real life, what to eat on a diet of schizophrenia there are many considerations, there is no longer itemize.
129) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
130) Earlier this year James Franco played Allen Ginsberg in the drama Howl, and now he’s a writer in real life, too.
131) If she did, how could we ever fantasise about me crouching over her chest again? In real life, I'd suffocate the poor woman between my meaty thighs.
132) If all that weren't enough, FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm: in FarmVille, wheat grows in two days--in real life, it takes months.
133) Photographers usually pooh-pooh electronic viewfinders, because no screen is as sharp as real life.
134) Once again, this seemed to me to smack more of James Bond than of real life.
135) The giant parades of samba schools or clubs, are great street theater(, a Hollywood spectacular in real life.
136) Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.
137) But there was a more real life for Hester Prynne, here, in New England, that in that unknown region where Pearl had found a home.
138) Here is an opening door, Wellcome you all who are getting down from the scaling ladder of real life.
139) Of "days" and all kinds of mysterious forces of nature worship, reflected in real life is the "potential" of worship.
140) And pointed out that his methodology path is the way of practice and real life. And this way is same to the path of sociological school of law and historical school of law.
141) Your heart is unwilling to rope in real life come from?
142) Although the network is visional , also be a society actually, the truth also is with real life.
143) It rarely happens in real life, but it happens a lot in films - one of the best examples is the spur-of-the-moment passion that's shared between Ennis and Jack.
144) In real life, we need is nether fame and fortune, nor the money, but safety!
145) But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement apt to be disappointed.
146) Theoretically this may be true; but in real life incommensurables are commensurable.
147) The Utopia is a reflection of human certain demands in the spirit level, and it integrates some kind of human yearning for the real life.
148) Mechanical shock and vibration in real life is often happened thing, in technology and outdoor lamps and lanterns is common.
149) The tournament was the first time I got to see the real life of a professional golfer.
150) In real life, New England-style fish chowder was one of Kennedy's favorite dishes, the recipe for which is currently on display at the National Archives.
More similar words: real-lifelife-threateningbreathe new life intolifefor lifelifetimeto the lifeway of lifelifelinelifespanlife linelifelonglifelikegood lifehalf lifeshelf lifewildlifelifelesslife-sizedcome to lifelife storylifestylelifesaverlife styleafterlifelife cyclelifebloodlifeguardnightlifelife jacket
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